Pipes and Drums of ORAK Group Photo

Pipes and Drums of ORAK has been a featured and favorite group in the Northwest Indiana and Chicago South Suburbs for several years now. The band performs in the traditional, Scottish Highland uniforms. Kilts worn are the red and black

That is the “Black Stewart tartan kilt” with other authentic Scottish regalia, officially registered to Pipes and Drums of ORAK by the authorities having jurisdiction. Pipes and drums of ORAK has marched a long way since its formation in 1977 by our founding Pipe Major Jim McRae. Many miles later in 2002 we celebrated our 25th Anniversary as a marching band. A celebrated fixture, at many Northwest Indiana and Chicago South Suburban, parades, community festivals, and hundreds of other special events, the bands motto may well be “We march so children can walk.”

At the heart of every performance is the music, which moves and inspires all that hear the skirl of the pipes and the beating of the drums. From the traditional tunes like “Scotland the Brave and Amazing Grace” to the new favorites like “The Marines Hymn, God Bless America, and Yankee Doodle Dandy” the music enriches our lives, our leisure, and brings smiles to everyone who hears. Most of all the music and sound is regional, rhythmic and rousing!

Throughout all of the efforts to learn and perform, an overriding mission of volunteering to help our Shriners Children’s Hospitals while simultaneously have fun, lead to a satisfying and enriching fellowship.

Pipes and Drums Officers & Information


Description of Unit: Band performs in traditional Highland uniforms. Kilts worn are the red and black “Black Stewart tartan kilt” with other authentic Scottish regalia, officially registered to Pipes and Drums of Orak by the authorities having jurisdiction. We have marched a long way since its formation in 1977 by our founding Pipe Major, Jim McRae. Many miles later in 2002 we celebrated our 25th Anniversary as a marching band. A celebrated fixture at many Northwest IN and Chicago South Suburban parades, community festivals, and hundreds of other special events, the bands motto may well be “We march so children can walk”. Prerequisites & Special Requirements for Joining: Noble in Good Standing

(Willing to train anyone wants to learn pipes or drums)

Pipe Major/President: Tom Houts (708) 712-5210, tomstelephone@yahoo.com Appearances Unit Makes: Varies about 20 per season
Treasurer: Wayne Hodgetts (219) 746-3011, waynehodgetts52@gmail.com Meeting Dates: 1st Thursday of each month @ 7:30 pm Practices every Thursday @ 7:30 pm
Secretary: John Richmond (219) 688-4891, john.richmond61@yahoo.com Membership Size: 15 Nobles
Dues: $13 per year Location of Meeting: St. John VFW 10400 W. 93rd St., St. John, IN 46373
Type of Uniforms: P & D traditional uniforms Great Highland Black Kilt Special Events: Parades, picnics, Christmas Party, Tartan Ball